Price: £15.00 + VAT
The Multipoint laser hire is a sound activated, dual coloured laser gives stunning visual effects. In addition these include a fantastic illusion of light tunnels, light walls and also cloud sea effects. Furthermore it has 11 stand alone modes. Additionally the effect can be set to sound activation. Effects include low moving star effects and shape changing effects. Also in sound to light mode or automatic mode. Set at the rear of the unit.
This is an upgrade from the diffraction laser. As with all lasers we would suggest a Martin Magnum SMOKE MACHINE. Therefore enhancing the visual effect of this product dramatically. Finally we would also suggest hanging this effect from a Tripod.
Lasers Power: 40mW 532nm Green, 80mW 650nm Red
Dimensions: 250 x 175 x 110mm
Weight: 2.6KG
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